Actors, artists, directors, writers, and musicians. What else do you need?
The Girl with the Ivory Ankle:
A Montana Musical
Orphan Girl Children's Theatre,
Butte, MT 2024
Alaina Callarman
The Girl with the Ivory Ankle:
A Montana Musical
Orphan Girl Children's Theatre, Butte, MT 2024
Michael Anthony O'Brien
Television Blues
BoxFest Detroit 2019
Director Kennikki Jones-Jones with actors Malachi Lee and Breon Canady
The Position of Mona and Vi
(recorded at Montana Public Radio for Words Out West 2020)
David Mills-Low, Rosie Ayers,
and Robin Rose
The Vorbit Incident
(staged reading: Missoula Colony 2018)
Tyler Nielson and Zach French
The Church of Pancakes
(Episode #3: Notes From the Huntley Project,
original production by Montana Public Radio 2014)
Cody Hyslop, Teresa Waldorf, Reid Reimers, Anne-Marie Williams, and David Mills-Low
Missoula Colony 2012
Gwen McKenna and Lisa Marie Hyslop
(rehearsal for video production, Missoula 2017
You Tube channel: Zoola Playground
Kyle McAfee and Nathan Adkins
Notes From the Huntley Project
(recorded original music for Jay's audio play trilogy at Montana Public Radio for Words Out West 2019)
Vic Stampley, Beth Cavaliere, Joey Cregg, and Joe Bauch
Raised in the Saddle
Educational Outreach Tour 2017
Nathan Snow and Elizabeth Bennett
Floating to the M
(rehearsal for staged reading at
the Missoula Colony 2012)
Steve Hodgson and David Ackroyd
Writing Wild: The Adventures
of Jack London
Educational Outreach Tour 2011
Cody Hyslop
Jay at work or play?
An Unladylike Battle for Survival
in the Sunnyside Library
Educational Outreach Tour 2012
Kristen Moriarty and Ryan luwe
Zoola Writers circa 2012: Cathy Capps, Kate Morris, Jay Kettering, Josh Wagner,
Anita Vatshell, Rita Barkey, and Shaun Gant
Greg Johnson and Gwen McKenna
Missoula Colony circa 2007
Zoola Writers circa 2022:
Joan Melcher, Jay Kettering, Leah Joki, Rita Barkey, Cathy Capps, and Shaun Gant
Flotsam, Jetsam and Bill
The Theatre of Western Springs New Plays Workshop 2015
Tim Feeney and Tristan Collins